The Building Envelope
Insulate for best climate results.
We at Jim Godbout Plumbing and Heating Services believe in providing a healthy and energy conscious environment. If homes are not properly insulated, the top line equipment we are installing is not able to provide homeowners with their full benefit. This is why contractors are now providing the homeowner with air sealed building envelopes. It is important to provide services that encompass the entire energy package; including American Standard ERV Fresh Air Ventilators for the home or business.
Condensing wall hung boilers, high-efficiency oil systems, outside reset controls, radiant, solar and geothermal systems are all becoming standard practice. Our team is dedicated to keeping up with these changes and educating the public on how important these advances are to the building envelope and ultimately your home.
Properly insulated homes can reduce energy costs by 30-40% from the current common practices. Given these savings, the payback on your investment is very quick and conserves fuel for future generations. It is also important to note, that even though dollar amounts have declined in recent years, rebates are still available for anyone using specific energy-efficient products.
Insulation is the most important element of building or remodeling a home. Many people look to price when selecting an insulation contractor. We feel this is a huge mistake. There are many choices in types of insulation and even more methods of applying said insulation. Do your homework before selecting this most important part of your home. Some choices we recommend are closed cell spray foam, rigid closed cell foam, cellulose, denim, and fiberglass as long as it is properly installed.
We can put the most efficient heating and cooling system in your home or business but if you don’t look at the building envelope the energy you burn will pass right through the walls and roof.
Schedule an energy audit. If you need help with an energy audit we can help with tools such as a thermal imaging camera. Some of the common problem areas we find during an energy audit are bathroom ventilation fans, dryer vents, stove exhaust hoods, attic ductwork not insulated over properly, insulation voids, speakers and recessed light cans. These items can increase the heating cost of the home immensely. Pay attention to these areas and you’ll conserve fuel and provide comfort. Bathroom fans are a real problem; we have a solution in the American Standard Energy Recovery Ventilator – contact us today.

Schedule An Energy Audit
Make the most of your heating and cooling investment. Contact us today to make sure your ‘Building Envelope’ is optimized.
Foam Insulation
When properly applied foam insulation provides excellent thermal and sound attenuation properties as well as providing a permanent seamless and dimensionally stable insulation system resistant to airflow through and within walls, ceilings, and floors.
In conjunction with a modern building, design systems can assist the homeowner for the first time to truly control indoor air quality. In combination with professionally installed mechanical ventilation, spray foam is the perfect system to provide the homeowner with a monolithic, air-sealed building envelope. This durable and bonded air infiltration seal will ensure the homeowner and their loved ones, an environment free from unmanaged and unwanted air/moisture infiltration.
A study conducted by researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory measured the impact of airtight construction and the energy savings generated by reducing air infiltration by 20%. Natural air change rates were calculated from the effective leakage area as determined by blower door tests assuming a 5 mph wind load and a temperature difference between indoor and outdoor conditions of 10° F. Heating and cooling loads were then calculated for six different heating and cooling environments from Minneapolis, MN to Phoenix, AZ to determine the equivalent R-value of an airtight home compared to a conventionally constructed benchmark with typical air leakage rates. Their findings indicated that to obtain the same heating and cooling loads indicated in an airtight home, a conventionally built home would require whole wall R-values of 2 to 4 times that of the airtight home’s whole wall R-value.
“Performance Check Between Whole Building Thermal Performance Criteria and Exterior Wall Measured Clear Wall R-Value, Thermal Bridging, Thermal Mass, and Airtightness” – ASHRAE bulletin TO-98-25-4

Why foam insulation?
- Adheres to most surfaces
- Contains no urea formaldehyde
- Uses no fasteners
- Adds structural strength
- Seamless application
- Insulates hard-to-reach areas
- Eliminates drafts
- Dimensionally stable, does not shrink or settle
- No food value for rodents
- High R-values
- Resists mold and mildew in the wall cavity

Jim Godbout Plumbing & Heating
486 Elm Street
P.O. Box 365
Biddeford, Maine 04005
Phone: 207-283-1200
Office Hours
Mon-Fri 7am to 3:30pm
Proud Members Of:
Biddeford Saco Rotary Club
Biddeford Saco Chamber of Commerce
Better Business Bureau
Hydronic Heating Association
Maine Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors
National Federation of Independent Businesses
Nature Conservancy
Northern York County YMCA (board member)